Zoom & Loom...


Here are the Zoom Rules/Procedures

1) Be in a quiet location so we can hear each other and not be distracted by noise- leave the pets out of the room 
2) Have your daily assignments with you- books and any questions- be prepared
3) Have a pen and pencil ready so we can work
4) Wait your turn to speak- there’s a ‘raise your hand’ button you can use so I know you want to speak, try not to blurt out
5) Stay on task- don’t get distracted and don’t distract others
* Remember, we’re treating the Zoom Meetings like class. You wouldn’t bring pets or blurt out in class, so please don’t do that in our Zoom Meetings either.  cool


* Please remember that the Loom videos are a teaching tool. Do NOT post them or anything else I share with you on social media or the internet.

* Feel free to download the videos- they may play smoother that way.

* You may want to pause the video as you work, then resume when you're ready.